Ms. Bishakha Bhanja

Ms. Bishakha Bhanja
Ms. Bhanja is a postgraduate in Political Science, Graduate in Law, and holds a diploma in “Law, Development, and Justice” from ISS, The Hague. She has 30 years of experience in the development sector and worked in international organizations like OXFAM, Lutheran World Service, DFID, Diakonia, and Water Aid.
Earlier she was the country representative of India for Diakonia. She was the Regional Representative of Water Aid. Presently she is actively involved with the National Alliance of Women Odisha (NAWO) as its Core Committee Member and Program Director.
She is an expert in imparting gender training to various categories of people while contributing 15 years of working on trafficking and migration issues in her different capacities. She is a pioneer in visualizing the issues of trafficking in Odisha beyond commercial sexual exploitation and the importance of safe migration.