Jharbeda village of Kuarmunda block of Sundergarh is 17 km from the block headquarters. Before Harsha Trust started its intervention, there were 12 SHGs and one Cluster Level Forum, which helped the women farmers create savings. In this tribal-dominated region, households primarily relied on agriculture and allied activities for sustenance.
Paddy, millet, pulses, and vegetables constituted the staple crops cultivated using traditional methods. The absence of proper irrigation facilities forced farmers into rain-fed cultivation, resulting in limited cultivation areas and, consequently, unsustainable incomes. This scenario led locals to seek supplemental income through daily wage labour and construction work in neighbouring cities like Rourkela.
Women-led Institutions Aiding synchronised Production
In collaboration with Odisha Livelihood Mission (OLM), women-led institutions such as SHGs and FPOs are created to promote entrepreneurship of the poor and marginal farmers. Within this collaborative framework, women farmers have risen to various leadership roles, such as presidents, secretaries, and treasurers within Farmer Producer Companies (FPOs). Collectively, FPO members determine the choice of crops for synchronised production and marketing strategies.
Convergence with various government departments like- Odisha Lift Irrigation Corporation (OLIC) helped set up borewells, ring wells; goat and poultry sheds provided by MGNREGA; drip and sprinklers were provided by the Horticulture department through Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY).
A well-functioning Producer Group (PG) was formed, and their account was opened in a nationalised bank authenticated by OLM. With support from the OLIC department, seven borewell motors were installed, electricity was also provided, and MGNREGA provided five ring wells. The Horticulture Department supported drip and sprinkler irrigation systems, which increased the cultivable land up to 40 acres.
Accessing Irrigation Schemes
Particulars | Schemes | Unit | Farmer Share (₹) | Government Share (₹) | Total Amount (₹) |
Cluster Bore well | Jalanidhi | 7 | 70,000 | 16,80,000 | 17,50,000 |
Ring well | MGNREGA | 5 | — | 8,25,000 | 8,25,000 |
Sprinkler pipe | PMKSY | 16 | 1,44,000 | 3,20,000 | 4,64,000 |
Drip System | — | 1 | 69,000 | 2,69,000 | 3,38,000 |
Total | — | — | 2,83,000 | 30,94,000 | 33,77,000 |
Impact of Convergence
- Community-built irrigation infrastructure has helped 63 marginal farmers of Kuarmunda block of Sundargarh district to increase their incomes significantly.
- Construction of bore-well, ring-well, drip irrigation and sprinkler systems, along with mobilisation of government funds, schemes, and farm equipment, have turned 162 acres of wasteland into green fields.
The village now has a fully functional Producer Group, and the community is actively engaging in commercial vegetable cultivation, such as cauliflower and brinjal. After adopting improved farming practices, the farmers, especially women, have enhanced their income and economic condition.
Convergence with the Agriculture Production Cluster (APC) enables market linkage, giving them easy access to buyers and better earnings. Developing farmers’ knowledge of different forms of irrigation systems makes them equipped to use modern irrigation systems more effectively. Institutionalisation and convergence with government departments help develop the communities more systematically.
The collaborative convergence of various stakeholders, along with the introduction of irrigation infrastructure and modern farming practices has brought about positive changes in the lives of the farmers. Now, they are not just farmers; but also, entrepreneurs, community leaders, and stewards of their environment. These initiatives have empowered them with hope for a better future and improved their overall quality of life.

In the words of Goreti Minz,
These irrigation solutions have transformed our barren land into a green oasis of opportunities. Our incomes are on the rise, and we are nurturing hope for a brighter, more prosperous future for our families and community.