The Intervention
In the picturesque landscapes of Borigumma Block in Koraput district, Harsha Trust, in collaboration with ATMA and OMM, embarked on a transformative journey to revitalise agricultural practices and empower local communities through climate-resilient crops, millets.
Facing the challenges of erratic rainfall, limited resources, and a need for nutritional security, Harsha Trust recognised finger millet’s potential to address these issues. With its resilience, nutritional richness, and adaptability to the local environment, finger millet emerged as an ideal solution.
Community-centric approach
Our approach has been community-centric since the outset. Through close collaboration with local farmers, we designed workshops and training sessions tailored to regional needs. We aimed to enhance agricultural productivity and food security by combining traditional knowledge with modern techniques.
Intervention with beneficiary

A case in point is Tobha Paika from Mankdiatala village of Khatragada Panchayat. Struggling with inconsistent crop yields, she embraced finger millet cultivation after attending our workshop. Tobha’s willingness to adopt new practices paid off significantly as her barren land blossomed into a lush finger millet field, demonstrating the crop’s resilience and potential.
While transplanting, she was skeptical about the production due to single and line transplanting and the 10 cm gap between seedlings. Still, after the first weeding of that field, she realised that the panicles would grow quickly due to proper spacing.
Income enhancement
As harvest time arrived, Tobha’s heart swelled with pride as she reaped the rewards of her labour. The finger millet yield was beyond her expectations, and the grains were exceptional. As a result, she got 9.2 quintals of Finger Millet from that 1 acre of barren upland, procured by TDCC through Ragi mandi, from which she earned a gross profit of ₹ 32,900/-.
Impact and Way Forward
The success of her harvest not only brought economic benefits but also elevated her social status. She plans to take up more land on lease and cultivate finger millets in the upcoming Kharif season.
As word spread about the positive outcomes, more farmers in Borigumma Block began integrating finger millet into their agricultural systems. We facilitated their access to quality seeds, efficient water management techniques, and modern farming tools. Farmers followed organic practices to promote sustainability and environmental well-being. The remarkable success story of finger millet farming has become a beacon of hope, fostering sustainable development and improving lives.
As the sun sets over the picturesque fields of Borigumma, the legacy of Harsha Trust’s millet initiative continues to grow, serving as an inspiring testament to the remarkable impact that can be achieved through community collaboration and sustainable agricultural practices.